The ACCA Diploma in IFRS (DipIFR) is an international qualification within IFRS developed by the
leading professional accounting organisation, the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
(ACCA). Obtaining this qualification will raise your professionalism in IFRS to the next level.
Our Diploma in International Financial Reporting (DipIFR) is for finance professionals who need to
acquire more a detailed understanding of IFRS. DipIFR is a fast and efficient solution that will
develop your current knowledge in this field. As well as how to apply the standards, you will learn
the concepts and principles which underpin them.
The course is designed to develop your knowledge and understanding of International Financial
Reporting Standards. You will also learn how to apply them, as well as the concepts and principles
which underpin them.
On completion of the Diploma candidates should be able to:
understand, explain and apply the IASB's Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting
apply relevant financial reporting standards to key elements of financial reports
identify and apply disclosure requirements for companies in financial reports and notes
prepare group financial statements (excluding group cash-flow statements) including subsidiaries,
associates and joint arrangements.